Spring is ever growing closer! Everything around us is starting to bloom and take on life. Love is in the air! We take this time to breathe it all in - from the sweet smell of honey bees as they pollinate gentle flowers, to the heady breeze, laden heavy with green lush grasses. What better way to honour this miracle of rebirth than to connect with our Fairy Maiden, herself?
Gather some fresh spring flowers from the garden. You’ll want at least one (preferably more) flower that is red, one that is blue, one that is green, and one that is yellow. Create a space outside, where you can comfortably walk barefoot and feel the dirt or grass under your feet. Place the flowers in an offering dish or similar cleansed bowl. Remove your shoes. Hold the plate in front of you. Close your eyes. Calm yourself. Take deep breaths in, and slowly exhale. Relax your shoulders. Stretch your toes. Feel the connection between our Mother and you. Feel your feet, reach deep into the Earth where all things come from and all are connected. Let your energy combine with Hers. Hold the flowers in your hand. Connect with their energies. Let them flow through you, down into your legs, then back to our Mother. Let your consciousness combine with their life force and Hers. Let yourself become one with this miracle of rebirth as it enters you and becomes a part of your being. When you are ready, open your eyes. Starting in the East, lay your yellow flowers at your feet. Thank the Air. Next, turn to your South, and lay your red blossoms at your feet. Thank the Fire. Now turn to your West. Lay the blue buds at your feet and thank Water. Finally, turn to your North and lay the Green flowers at your feet, and thank the Earth. Now, thank our Mother Goddess for allowing you the pleasure of her maidenhood as She fills you with the energy of all things..
Poem Entitled: Fairy Maiden
As springtime sun melts crystal snow
And early buds start to bloom
The Crone grows tired from her wintery rule
With arrival of the Maiden’s womb
Hares are seen between the brush
With sunlight streaking in
Squirrels and deer feed in the thrush
As Ostara comes once again
One time more, the Fairy Maiden
Comes dancing in her glade
The icy winds and snows stop falling
As barren winter is stayed
Beasts awaken from their slumber
To herald her rebirth
Life springs forth, in vernal course
From deep within the Earth
Sweetly now, the breeze starts blowing
Drowning out the cold
As the Maiden and consort, sowing
Trading new life for old
Treading softly through the valley
Fresh dew flowers from bud
Waters from the springtime, thaw
Sprouts her blossoms from mud