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Aquarian Tabernacle Church: Then, Now and Future

Bella Dionne • November 23, 2018

Because of being asked to join the Arch Priesthood as Treasurer for the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, I quit my job two weeks sooner than scheduled to fly out to Seattle and learn as much as possible about the organization which I have been bookkeeping for since 2011. Having reread " Financial Management in the Church " by Peter Henrickson during the 8-hour flight, as well as forming a list of questions and intentions, I expected to stay out of the way of the daily church activities and observe its management. I planned to remain detached and unbiased. Ha! I didn't expect to fall in love with the place and the people.

The Mother Church is located outside of the most beautiful town I have ever visited. Index , WA is sandwiched between the North Skykomish River (which lulled me to sleep every night) and the ‘Town Wall’, a massive granite cliff rising over 500 feet into the air.

Index is home to charming cottages and vacation rentals with front yard flower beds and vegetable gardens, trails and trains, and a population of approximately 205 people, all within .23 square miles. Walking the 1.5 miles along the sparkling river from the Church to the town’s post office/grocery store, learning the town’s history from the tiny museum and quaint town hall, and drinking coffee outside of the River House Cafe quickly became my morning routine.

The Church itself is delightful. Well-lived-in by the priesthood, both living and deceased, the building itself has many charming characteristics including an extensive library, hidden staircases, a large natural lit office space, along with a kitchen stove and custom-built table I could only drool over. Pete’s presence was made known to me by several unexplained occurrences such as, the stove door opening on its own, the lighting of a stove burner a few times, and the hot tub light controls changing, all without a manifest body nearby.

Outside, the Church’s property beholds both old and new delights. I witnessed the construction of the hothouse over the vegetable garden planted this summer to honor Demeter. I recognized the Garden Circle made up of statuary transported from Bella's gorgeous Garden Circle in Conyers, Georgia, and I daydreamed of staying in the adorable purple fairy cottage (which needs immediate occupancy to finish its renovations).

As for the old, there's the Stone Circle built by Pete in 1981, the fire pit surrounded by patio and meandering pathways, and the shrine dedicated to the ATC’s patron goddess Hekate - THE most amazing feature of the entire property.

Nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of power which emanated from that place -- so much so, that on my first encounter I was forced to leave after only a few minutes because my head buzzed so much. Three days later, on the evening of the Dark Moon, I ventured back with offerings, prayers, incense, and candles and delighted in an hour of quiet solitude in Her presence until midnight. I left with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and Agape Love. The next morning, I returned and spent another hour enjoying the serenity of that holy space.

The final notable feature of the property is the hot tub located in front of Aphrodite’s Shrine. Oh the hot tub! I quickly learned that the hot tub is where ideas fired and flowed at a rapid pace from the three fire-sign clergy who make the Church their permanent residence: Arch Priestess Bella (Leo); High Priest Dusty (Aries) and High Priestess Cassie (Sagittarius). Their brains never stop going whether the topic was the development of the Save the Seeds Foundation , the upcoming festival details, plans to complete the renovations of the fairy cottage, increasing seminary enrollment, the upcoming Green Man Day (clean up and maintenance of the Church by coven members), or any other topic that consumes their every waking and possibly dreaming moments. Many evenings, I was exhausted trying to keep up with the bing and the bang, the zip and the zap of ideas and scenarios spinning deosil around the tub. And, by the way, Pete ‘Pathfinder’ Davis was always included in the conversation.

Pete Davis, the supernal founder of the ATC, made history fighting for religious equality. I delighted in hearing the oral history of this amazing man who fought the US government to recognize Wicca as a religious entity worthy of tax-exempt status as a church by the IRS. Pete established the first Wiccan seminary with a .edu designation. This feat allowed Wiccan clergy to proudly and legally call themselves Reverend. Pete spearheaded the campaign against the US Military to recognize Wiccan soldiers and allow them to display their pentacles on tombstones and identify their faith as Wiccan. Pete was a revolutionary and a rebel and is due gratitude for his efforts to make Wicca an equal among the rest.

Belladonna Laveau , Pete’s successor, is one of the most hard working and dedicated people I've ever met. As I previously mentioned she lives, breathes, and sleeps for her Church and its people. She is tireless in her efforts to unite witches in a common cause to make the world a better place based on Wiccan values. Most recently Bella was actively involved in the Global Wiccan Summit last September, and earned a coveted seat at the Parliament of World Religions in November. Like Pete, she continues to advocate for Wicca as a world religion.

The reach of the ATC has the potential to make a difference through its affiliates and charters. Here is a list of organizations that the Arch Priesthood manages with the help of many talented and dedicated volunteers.

  • The Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary teaches and trains clergy who are strong leaders in their local communities.

  • Spring Mysteries Festival , a recreation of the Eleusinian Mysteries , is a unique and powerful experience that can forever change one’s life.

  • Hekate’s Sickle Festival , the fall festival, provides a less intense but no less Wiccan education venue with rituals, workshops, and networking.

  • Wicca Press , the ATC’s own publishing company (used by Stewart Farrar) and Panegyria , a quarterly e-zine, are both outlets for ATC literary aspirants.

  • Wiccan Cauldron , the online store, originally established to provide books and tools for seminary students, sells quality items for magical workings or personal shadow work.

  • Spiral Scouts , a youth ministry developed by Pete to rival the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America.

  • Sacred Cauldron , a 3D virtual reality pagan community online for those who cannot get to a physical location to worship.

  • The Mother Church’s local coven that meets twice a month for ritual, runs Green Man Day and serves as volunteer staff for both festivals.

  • A worldwide affiliate base , which has the autonomy of an independent organization under the legal protection of the Mother Church.

Future projects include a physical Wiccan Cauldron located outside Seattle, a physical museum to house the hundreds of artifacts currently in the ATC collection, and physical property to develop the Save the Seeds Foundation where corporate sponsors support the efforts to grow, harvest, and save heritage, non-patented seeds for the future.

As you can see, the Aquarian Tabernacle Church has served, currently does serve, and will continue to serve, the needs of Wiccan faith. It is a 501c3 Church on the same level as the Catholic Church and is a strong force in our world. And, like all other religious organizations, it needs the support of its people. I strongly encourage all affiliate members take the time to go to Index, see the daily operation, and get to know (and love) our leaders. My perception has been forever changed and it was quite a difficult decision not to stay in Index to directly serve (at least not yet!).

I have seen the inner workings and there is so much to do. So, it is from my heart that I ask you to consider how you can help serve your Mother Church. There are many challenging and fun opportunities to serve in any of the above organizations in roles such as ministering, editing, IT development, organizing, grant research, marketing, administration, and the list goes on. See this page for a list of Ministry opportunities: ATC Ministry Opportunities.

And, if you cannot help with your skills and time, consider a financial commitment to help fund the ministry expenses of the Church. I have provided Paypa l links for a few contribution levels. Please contact me to set up a monthly Paypal subscription for ANY contribution amount that fits your budget starting as low as $5 per month.

$25 per month Donation

$40 per month Donation

As I write this account on my final night at this magical monastery with these amazing people, I am filled with mixed emotions. I am sad that I cannot stay to help because the one thing I did realize is that the clergy of the Mother Church work damn hard and have little downtime. This worries me because the mission is one I believe in, one I will fight for, and our leaders are carrying a heavy load. However, I am filled with hope for the future of my faith, excitement for my contribution to its growth, and enamored with love of an extended family that that will forever be in my heart.

Blessed Be.

Written by Rt Rev Trisha Parker, member of Advisory Board of ATC, Intl., a graduate and first year professor at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary, HPS of Wiccan Church of Florida, and Coordinator for Phoenix Festivals, Inc.

Contact Trisha by email at or Trisha Parker on Facebook.

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