From the Temple of the Nine Wells
The light reborn at Yule waxed and grew stronger at Imbolc. We will be gathering to celebrate the first stirrings of Spring, the Spring Equinox, the Witches’ Sabbat known also as Vernal Equinox, Ostara and called Alban Eilir by the Druids, which means 'The Light of the Earth'. In the Northern Hemisphere, as the Sun enters the first house of the zodiac, the sign of Aries ruled by Mars, when Day and Night will be equal, we will gratefully and enthusiastically welcome this season of balance, of fertility and the greening of the Earth. All 7 Sacred Planets, and the outer ones as well, will be assuming their direct motion, for a time. Retrogrades are over, and our consciousness will shift from the cold hardships of Winter, a time of inner work, to the warm beautiful colors of Spring, a time of rejuvenation, renewal and a fresh start for the outer work we will accomplish this year. The frozen crystalline days of Winter’s snow and ice are almost at an end, and now the Spring Equinox, will awaken and rejuvenate life within the trees and all living things.
Our special ritual presenters will include: Lady Belladonna LaVeau and Dusty Dionne, Arch Priestess and Arch Priest of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church based in Washington State that sponsors us; Occultist & Witch HP. Karagan Griffith, who is again hosting this zoom call for us, Salem Artist and Witch HPs. Sharonn Bradbury, Salem Psychic Intuitive Reader and Witch Priestess Kathleen Exar, and our Temple of Nine Wells Reverend Ministers: Witch HP. and Ceremonial Magician Rev. Bob Scott; Witch HP and Faery Seer Rev. Orion Foxwood from Maryland; Oracular Witches HPs. and HP. Reverends Lady and Iain Haight-Ashton in Maine; and Rev. Kathleen Rouleau, Death Midwife and Water Protector.
Also with us tonight, two of my favorite special musical recording artist guests High Priestess and Witch Lady Rowena of the Glen and High Priest Witch Ember from Nashville’s Circle of Dragonstone Coven.
Join us , if you will,
in our Sacred Grove of Trees as we turn the Witches' Wheel of the Year and welcome Spring.
Blessed Be With Love From Salem,
Rev. HPs. Gypsy Ravish and The Priests and Priestesses of The Temple of Nine Wells-ATC