On Thursday November 10, 2022, Robert ‘Bo’ Caldwell was pinned as a new Fire Chaplain in the Rock Community Fire Protection District of Missouri. Cauldwell is the first Pagan Fire Chaplain in this district and in the State of Missouri.
He has been accepted at the state level as a Fire Chaplain in the Missouri Fire Chaplains Corps and this automatically comes with national acceptance as a Fire Chaplain with the Federation of Fire Chaplains. His Captain is having a custom pin made with a pentacle to replace the traditional pin (blue bar with Christian cross).
Cauldwell received his Associate Degree in Wiccan Ministry in 2022 from Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary (WSTS).
Kara Williams, Dean of WSTS, says "It is validating to see organizations accepting degree's from WSTS in achieving Chaplain status. It benefits all Wiccan academic studies when this happens."
Woolston-Steen is a state recognized Wiccan Seminary, and was also the first to gain such recognition. The State of Washington’s Higher Education Coordinating Board has granted us the ability to grant degrees and certifications in Wicca Theology.
Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary offers the finest possible education to those identifying as Wiccan. It is dedicated to serving those who seek to learn the Craft of the Wise, and minister in the ways of the Old Gods. At Woolston-Steen, we are devoted to bringing you traditional, formal magical training, blended with modern day concepts that support a practitioner ministering in today’s multi-cultural world.