[UPDATE August 2017: Since the original publication date, the Boy Scouts of America have made great strides towards inclusiveness,. We honor their journey while we all, as a people, are learning that discrimination isn't appropriate to teach to our children.]
In the beginning, mankind lived outdoors. He enjoyed feeling the warmth from Apollo on his skin, the breath from the Mother and tears from her skies. Her body grew fruits for him to eat. But as time progressed, mankind began to hide in structures he had built to shelter him from the vagaries of Mother Earth and Father Time. Within these shelters, man began to forget the joy of the outdoors. Yet some of mankind remembered how wonderful it was to be outdoors with their brethren, and saw the emptiness in the eyes of those who had gone into hiding. Some determined not to forget the Mother and Father, and took it upon themselves to create a way to remind others how wonderful it was to connect with the elements. From this inspired endeavor, scouting was born.
Currently, the news is abuzz with alternative scouting organizations. The major scouting organization, Boy Scouts of America, is still debating whether to change their policy about allowing known homosexuals in their organization. For many other scouting organizations out there where this is not even an issue up for debate. One of these is SpiralScouts International (SSI).
SSI is a scouting organization that is all inclusive. SSI was originally created by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church in 2001; it has blossomed from a half-baked idea for alternative scouting for Pagan children into a nationwide organization. Boys and girls enjoy learning adventures in scouting together in a safe, accepting and balanced environment with leaders of both sexes working with the groups.
Scouts do everything from camping and drumming to sewing and swimming. They learn about the different paths of the deities, and how we are all connected. SSI is a family-oriented scouting organization that provides learning adventures to share with scouts and their families. An ongoing discussion revolves about the elements and how we all spiral up and onward during our lifetime. Scouts grow together as a scouting charter, and also as individuals discovering their own gifts and talents, and how those gifts can benefit those around them.
SpiralScouts now has grown to encompass 4 different age groups: RainDrops (ages 3-5), FireFlies (ages 6-9), SpiralScouts (ages 10-13), and Pathfinders (ages 14-18). There are several Charters across the United States. You can locate the closest one to you by visiting the SSI website at: www.spiralscouts.org and clicking on the circle locator on the left side of the screen. You can also email us at: publicrelations@spiralscouts.org
If you would like to learn more about SpiralScouts International please visit: www.SpiralScouts.org
Rachel Scott is the PR Chair for SpiralScouts International. In addition, she is Tribal Coordinator for the Volunteer Tribe in Tennessee and Co-Leader for The Spirit Guardians Circle #312 and PC# 0413C10-Smyrna.