Dusty and I are on the last leg of our trip, and celebrating our 11th Anniversary together. One more great festival this weekend, Michigan Pagan Festival, and we’ll be headed west. We’ll be home by July 6th. We’ve had some wonderful times out here connecting with you. Thank you for taking Dusty, Honeybear, and me into your hearts, homes, and circles. The Church has accomplished much this year. We at the Mother Church are excited about all the new developments and opportunities coming up.
The ATC just purchased the property next door to the Tab. Pete owned this property in the early days of the ATC, but lost it in a divorce. It went on sale about 3 years ago for around $130,000. We purchased it on June 22, for $42,500, about a third of it’s asking price. Thank you Benni Sack for all your tireless work on that very important project.
You might have heard that we received a building grant. This grant gives us building materials to repair and build onto our beautiful church, as well as to help needy families. As we have materials available, we’ll be looking to share them. Watch on the ATC Mother Church Facebook page for announcements about available building materials. In a short couple of months, we have been gifted with a stained glass front door, a lawn mower, a porcelain kitchen sink, and enough decking to replace the back deck. We are very blessed and grateful to receive these donations, and will keep you posted as this develops. We have also helped other affiliates obtain this and other grants, to help their own neighborhoods. If you have an affiliate, and you’re interested in these donations, contact us at the Mother Church, and we’ll help get your church set up.
The Tab is becoming a working monastery now, and with the expansion of land, we will have room for additional students and clergy to live and work at the Mother Church. Rodney, Tatiana, and the Green Man Guild are building apartments and rooms in case you want to live at, or have overnight visits to the Mother Church. Alternatively, you could come and be a part of the magical community that is growing in Index, by purchasing or renting one of the beautiful cottages available in our secluded paradise on the Skykomish River.
We lost the old hot tub in March, during a storm. It was old, and starting to give us trouble, so this was a blessing. The insurance claim has been approved for a new tub to be installed. The new hot tub has a salt water system (healthier than chlorine) and has colored chakra lights, which will enhance our ability to use the tub for spiritual and healing purposes. It will also be much more cost effective to run and use considerably less chemicals.
When we get the new tub ready, we’ll let you know about the ceremony for dedicating the new Aphrodite Temple that we are designing in the back yard. Rodney and the Green Man Guild have been hard at work preparing the new Temple. If you’d like to help with this project, please know that all are welcome at Green Man Events.
Speaking of the Green Man Guild, this is the time to come and bond with the Members of the Church in the daily chores and maintenance of the Lord and Ladies’ sacred home. Bring Drums, dancing gear, coolers with snacks, and expect us to feed you a nice dinner to express our gratitude for a hard days work. Then stay into the evening and lets drum, dance, spin fire, and immerse ourselves in Pagan fun.
We are selling ATC Merchandise and doing readings on the road to offset the cost of visiting the affiliates and sharing Pete’s vision with the world. We’ve signed several new affiliates this year, and it has been wonderful to meet them face to face. We’ve had the opportunity to reconnect with many beloved friends over the course of this trip, and watch doors open, as the ATC reaches out to work with our neighbors. We can do so much more when we work together. By being present at the gatherings across the country, we get the face time needed to fully manifest the Will of the Goddess.
We are also doing a once a month psychic fair at Metaphysical marketplace in downtown Seattle that is starting to make money. We are adding ATC products to the online store and live vending booths. If you have products that are specific to our magical ministry, i.e. magical tools, etc, that you want us to include in our booths and online store, contact Dawn Darkness at the Tab 360-793-1945
We fully enjoyed our visit with Selena Fox this spring at festival. Oberon Zell from Church of All Worlds is confirmed to attend Spring Mysteries Festival 2016. Don Lewis of the Correlians, is confirmed for the following year. We are honored to be able to bring these elders to our historic festival. They are excited to attend, and finally get to participate in our magic, and well as share theirs. Registration for Hekate’s Sickle is up. This year we will be focused on “Getting the Sight”. Rituals will be focused on divination, tarot, and opening your psychic powers, while the veil is thin..
We have developed an online virtual circle that is worldwide, called Sacred Cauldron. We invite you to join us throughout the week for Wiccan rituals, activities, and discussion. This circle is run by the students of WiccanSeminary.EDU, and is bringing students together across the world to serve and bring the Goddess into your home. We hope you come to Sacred Cauldron on SecondLife.com, and see what we’re doing there.
We were gifted with a good, dependable truck, to haul the new building supplies, and we are so grateful to have it. Now, we do not have to scramble for a volunteer to go pick up the supplies that we are given. Thank you to Darrell Delph and the Olympian Evergreen Pagans for this much needed donation.
Lammas is coming up at the beginning of August. You will want to attend the Lammas Monologues. Please come and present or enjoy the dramatic parade of deity. Those who want to be a part of Hekate’s Sickle and Spring Mysteries Ritual Cast are asked to invoke and share a Godform with us. It’s an amazing event. You never know what creative presentation might come forth magically. I look forward to seeing you there.
Now that we have accomplished so much, the doors are open for new opportunity. I invite you to jump in where you can and be a part of the great work we are doing here. Whether it’s swinging a hammer, cooking a meal, coming to a Green Man day, sending in a financial contribution, helping with websites, joining in on a craft day, or just clicking like on Facebook, you can help be a part of the Goddess’ Ministry.