The Earth is our Mother, we must take care of Her.
INDEX, WA (June 1st, 2017) - From the World Headquarters of The Aquarian Tabernacle Church
It is a sad day for the planet that we call home. When faced with the reality that climate change is affected by the people of our world, President Trump showed us that the short-term profits are more important than the land that sustains us, at the expense of the collective people who live there.
On many levels this decision undermines founding principles of this nation:
It proves that we do not see the value in a sustainable economy, and are short-sighted in the face of quick, and dirty money.
It proves that we have ignored the standards of science and education through the dismissal of 99% of the world climate experts.
It shows that not only are we willing to remove our own people's right to healthcare, but that we are willfully participating in the deterioration of people's health worldwide.
It disrespects and disregards the collective decisions of those that call us allies and enemies alike.
It caters to a personal agenda that opposes an agreed upon global priority, which removes us as a global power.
It reinforces our stance as an aggressor nation to have to subdue for survival.
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church represents a large community of people who worship within an Earth-Based religion. One of the fastest growing religions worldwide, we are a faith that reveres the planet. The earth is the physical manifestation of the spirit that we call "God/Goddess." The soil beneath our feet is the life-sustaining entity that brings us the food we eat, the water we drink, and air we breathe. We, all of us, in every sense of the word, drink of Her blood and eat of Her flesh.
Wicca is a religion of knowledge. We embrace science as well as faith, and as such we honor education. We do not honor the path of the willfully uneducated as a sign of faith, or of dedication. As we see humanity as a part of the earth, instead of apart from the earth, we consider the actions today as an affront to the very core of our beliefs.
We cannot sit by and allow the current course of climate science to be derailed without comment. The actions of current administration in reference to the Paris Climate Agreement are abysmal. Partisanship aside, this is the move of an ignorant and greedy government looking to exploit the planet while ignoring the best interests of the world in the pursuit of the personal interests of the few.
We have chosen to speak out due to our conviction as a worldwide earth-based organization. The health of our planet is vital to the lives of people worldwide and central to our worship. This decision by the Trump Administration is not only abhorrent, but it shows a willful disregard of the proof shown to us through disappearing coastlines, the greening of Antarctica, the rising of extreme highs and lows in temperature, and the myriad other planetary changes happening in clear view of the world.
Mr. Trump claims to be a religious man, but actions speak louder than words. With eyes that see and ears that listen we are shown, if President Trump follows the will of a higher power, it is not one that has the world's best interests at heart.
The Parliament of World Religions said today in their address :
"Every individual and every nation, every institution and every corporate entity, every religious and spiritual community faces this momentous ethical challenge of our age. Those with the greatest opportunity and power to affect the course of the 21st century have the greatest responsibility to act with unflinching moral integrity."
The Aquarian Tabernacle Church, a worldwide church with members in a dozen countries across the face of our beautiful planet, come to you, people of the world, to beg of you this one concession:
The Earth is our Mother, we must take care of Her.
Each of us was born with a love for Mother Nature. No matter how you worship, the earth is central to your teachings. Whether you worship the hills and waters beneath your feet, a host of beings that fought over the outcome of the planet, or a messiah sent to tell us how to live upon the earth, there is one central theme: That this place we call Earth is sacred, and without it, we all perish.
We add our voice to the chorus and call for President Trump, and for those close to him, to reexamine their decision and see that it is not in accord with the majority of Americans, or the global community that they find themselves in.
We call for you to reverse your decision, President Trump.
We call for you, elected officials of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, to stand against this decision.
We call for you, people of conscience, to make a similar plea.
We call to you, who breathes air, and drinks water, to contact every level of government you are able. Keep their phones ringing, while bringing forth the cry for us to act in accord with the Paris Agreement, and the rest of our brothers and sisters in the free world.
In Peace, Love, and Light,
The Archpriesthood of The Aquarian Tabernacle Church