We sit on the edge of 2018. As we move closer to the United States Supreme Court's ruling on a Colorado bakers right to refuse a wedding cake for a Homosexual couple, many people are looking for answers. The Satanic Temple brought forth answers in a press release that they themselves presented in late September.
"The argument has been contextualized as a matter of Free Speech versus Civil Rights. However, because sexual orientation is not a protected class under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, whereas race and religion are. [...] For this reason, The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced a plan for those who feel alienated or oppressed by the privileged status that religion holds over sexual orientation: Request your homophobic baker make a cake for Satan."
In a show of solidarity with the needs of the LGBTQ community, and our own standard of inclusiveness in the eyes of the Gods, The Aquarian Tabernacle Church would like to endorse and expand upon the good work being done by The Satanic Temple (TST).
Some people may feel less inclined to request Satan on their cake as others might, yet those same said people may want to participate in showing religious zealots the lengths they will have to go to to remain discriminatory based on their fear and prejudices. It is for these people that we, one of the countries largest Pagan churches, want to expand on the good work being done by TST.
There are MANY Gods and Goddesses, that are not Satan, that are "devils" in the eyes of Christians. There are also many pieces of liturgy that can accompany those deities.
Examples include Priapus, the God of Vegetable Gardens, with his ENORMOUS erection , and the quote from the Charge of the Goddess, "All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals".
Or a cake depicting Kali, who is a destroyer of the perverted and dances upon the skulls of the dead as she protects children and women, and her lover Shiva, to whom marijuana is not only sacred, but sacrament.
Then there is the obvious Pagan cross over with TST: Baphomet. The winged, breasted, goat legged and headed deity representing balance in all things. For a wedding, this could easily accompany the quote, "I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire"
From Tazzum and Baal, to Lillith and Ashera, there are many choices that would be perfectly acceptable to utilize within the world of Paganism.
To once again quote The Satanic Temple: "Because religion is a protected class, a baker may refuse service to LGBTQ people, but they may not refuse service based upon someone’s religion."
We at the Aquarian Tabernacle Church would like to commend The Satanic Temple for the work they do in keeping the people free from the demands of a vocal minority that seems bent on creating, within our countries borders, a Theocracy devoted to YHWH and the teachings of Abraham. We take our direction in this situation directly from their shining, illuminated, example. All Gods fall into the purview of Paganism in one way or another, and so with TST's inspiration we open that world to you.
The ATC is a legal, fully recognized, multi-national, faith based organization, and can be found in all regions of the United States. Our churches are all inclusive, and our ministers, who are legally qualified to perform legal marriage ceremonies , including the LGBTQ community. We leave you with one of the tenants of our faith:
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."