I was not in the path of totality for the solar eclipse, and it was a cloudy day for the partial eclipse for me. As a result, my viewing of the eclipse was through the live feed held by NASA online. As I watched the work of NASA and the people viewing it, I was impressed and amazed at the diversity of the people who were involved in this production.
It showed me this huge variety of people who were all watching and studying this event. It was lovely to see this coverage by people from all over the world. There was no separation between people due to race, color, gender, or anything else. There was complete acceptance of the differences of each person, but at the same time they were honored as individuals.
This touched my heart and made me have hope for the world. This affected so many people and helped me see the connections between people and the world they live in. There were people who studied this phenomenon from so many different points of view. There were studies of the effects that the eclipse had on animals, studies of the sun itself, and how the sun affects bacteria.
The announcers asked many people about the feelings that they had experiencing the eclipse and expressed their own of how this event felt to them. There was also talk of the energy of the event and even through the lens of the camera, I could feel it myself. They spoke about the darkness and chill in the air that closed in as the moon passed over the sun, and there were cheers as the light returned.
The return of the light was a magical experience for people, even if that is not the word they might use. The shadow of the moon was viewed from planes overhead as it crossed over the United States. The atmosphere was dark and cold as this shadow passed over people. One person spoke of how they pulled together and hugged during this darkness and cheered as the light of the sun returned.
This helped me realize that like the shadow of darkness that has been crossing over our country of late, and like the shadow of the moon, it will also pass. We can experience the light once more in our country and in the world, and we will all cheer with the return of the light. Be blessed.