I had a pretty profound realization during a palm reading with a client this week.
Near the end of our time together, my client said through her tears, “I just wish I could have faith!” She meant faith in herself, faith in the connection she has to the Divine.
I didn’t know what to say to that, and was astonished as I watched my body respond to her. Here is what came out of my mouth:
“Is gravity an act of faith? If I drop this pen, will it fall? ::drops pen:: Exactly. No faith required. Gravity is just there – so much so that we don’t even notice it most of the time. So it is with your connection with the Divine. Your connection to the Divine just IS. There isn’t anything to do about it except NOTICE it! It is always there, always reliable, always true. Just like gravity. You don’t need faith to know that you are profoundly connected with the Divine. You simply need to stop, breathe, and notice it. Just like you can notice gravity when you stop, breathe, and notice.”
When I stopped talking, we both kinda sat there for a moment. I was dumbfounded at the depth of those words, that I had never really thought about before.
Later that week, I was unexpectedly called to minister to a dying woman in hospice. I entered her room, and realized immediately how deeply she was connected with the Divine. In her case, the goddess Brigid (Bride). As I performed the requisite ceremony preparing her for her great transformation at the end of life (she died less than 12 hrs after my visit), I was reminded again of how profound our connection with the Divine really is.
Like a pillar of light, we are physical manifestations of God/ess walking on earth. I can see that pillar up out of the top of our head to the heavens, and down from our torso to the core of the earth. We walk in this pillar of divine light always. All we need to do is notice it.
And in noticing our deep and lasting connection with the Divine, we know our worthiness, our love-ability, and our beauty. In knowing these things about ourselves, we come to see and know those same aspects in the other human beings who walk with us.
Blessings to you and yours,
Jim Barker