1. What is your deity's name, and what concepts of the human condition do they represent?
This year I am the priestess of Athena. Athena is best known as the goddess of wisdom, war, and weaving (the three Ws, lol). She has connections to civilization as Athena Polias (Athena of the city), and she is the patron of Athens. She also has connections to truth, justice, and balance.
2. Give a brief description of your god's backstory. How were they born/created? Who are they married to?
The most common story of Athena's birth is that her mother was Metis (meaning wise counsel). Zeus heard that a child of Metis was going to overthrow him, so he swallowed the pregnant Metis. Metis' daughter, Athena, sprung from Zeus' forehead fully grown and already dressed for battle. But that is not the only story of Athena's birth. Herodotus says that Athena is the daughter of Poseidon and “the Tritonian lake”--a lake nymph named Tritonis. According to Apollodorus, Athena was raised by Triton, the god of the river Triton.
Athena has no husband. Hephaestus wanted to marry her, and tried to seduce her, but she ran away. Hephaestus managed to ejaculate on her leg, and she wiped it off onto the earth. From Gaia and Hephaestus' seed, Erichthonius was born, and Athena adopted him (more on that later).
3. What is something about your deity that most people don't know?
The owl is not Athena's only animal symbol. She also has a strong connection to snakes. Some historians believe Athena has her roots in the Mycenaean bird and snake goddess. She is often depicted with a snake at her feet (the statue the Athena Giustiniani is a great example). Another example is Medusa, Athena's former priestess. The goddess cursed Medusa with serpent hair, and the aegis that Athena wears bears the serpents and head of a Gorgon (possibly Medusa). Athena's adopted son, Erichthonius, king of Athens, is depicted as either having serpent legs or having a serpent near him.
4. What's something unique you've learned from working with them this year?
I've learned so much, it's hard to choose just one thing. I've been learning about Athena's connection with other deities, her syncretism, and her roots. She has a connection to Fortuna that I'm still teasing out. She may be related to Neith, the Egyptian mother-goddess of the world.
5. If you were to spend a day with your deity, what activities would do? How would they react to those mortal activities?
I think it would be really fun to go to a sporting event with Athena. I'm imagining her cheering or booing, analysing a team's strategy. I think Athena would love how the Olympics have evolved over time. It would also be fun to dance with Athena. Maybe she could teach me the Pyrrhic dance.
Meet Athena in the flesh and witness the gods walk the earth at this year's Spring Mysteries Festival.