As a rather new follower of Hekate , I am constantly reading about the Queen of All Witcheries and delving into Her great mysteries while excitedly sharing my journey with others. Most recently, I began writing about my spiritual journeys with Her on social media sites like Facebook and Wordpress, soon after I started moderating a modern Hekate online group for Her followers called The Witches’ Realm and was accepted as an attendant for Her online shrine Temple of Hekate with The Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATC). Once I began writing about Her more and more doors to Her mysteries started to open for me, and behind one of those doors was an invitation to attend Mythology 419: Hekatean Devotion and Magic in the Hellenic Age as an online guest student of the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary , a state recognized Wiccan Ministry, in exchange for writing about my course experience. Of course I had to accept the offer because I never say no to Hekate, the Ancient Mother has been calling me for a long time, long before I ever knew Her name.
A Key to Her Mysteries
The purpose of the course was to teach how ancient Hellenic Greeks celebrated Hekate in hopes of unraveling some of the mysteries behind Her true origins for the student seeking to know more. In a world where information is at our fingertips we can be assured some of that information is opinion rather than historical praxis and Myth 419 aims to help separate praxis from opinion with this eight week long course. I didn’t exactly know what I was going to learn from this course other than the usual historical rhetoric so I was very open-minded going in. What I learned was way more than I could have ever imagined and I can honestly say after eight weeks of only one class a week I am confident I have gained yet another key to Her Mysteries and I highly recommend this course to anyone who wishes to know Hekate on a much deeper level.
Bronze tablet (3rd century AD) from Pergamon invoking Melinoë along with Persephone and Leucophryne; the three goddesses pictured are labeled as Dione, Phoebe, and Nyche
Unlocking Sacred Writings
The class was held over Skype each Thursday night hosted by course instructor Jack Grayle, an attorney by profession. He has studied ancient Hellenic devotional and magical practices for years and leads a regular Prairie Moon Ritual that is open to the public throughout the year in his hometown of Springfield, Illinois. At 7pm sharp PST Jack welcomed everyone to the group and wasted no time getting right to his lecture. For the next hour my head was spinning at the sheer amount of knowledge and experience this instructor had in regards to the topic of Hekate in Hellenic times. Our extensive reading list included sective writings from sources such as Hesiod’s Theogony, the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM), Voces Magicae, and the Orphic Hymns, and even modern writings from authors such as Aleister Crowley, Doreen Valiente, and Sarah Iles Johnston . Jack’s lecture was 60 minutes of non-stop information, inspiration, and occasional entertainment. At the end of that very first class I knew I would indeed learn more than I ever possibly could studying on my own. Without skipping a beat Jack issued us our first assignment, “who is Hekate to you”.
Protective Phylactery assignment using the ‘Ephesian letters’ of Voces Magicae
Making Hekate More Accessible
The assignments were no ordinary assignments, Jack’s assignments gave us the option to submit the work in writing or create a piece of artwork that embodies the assignment subject matter. Having the option to choose either a written or a hands-on assignment submission assured that visual learners would have an equal opportunity for course assignment success! Not to mention the entire class materials required were just modelling clay and paint, paper and pen, and a $3 whirligig. The instructor provided all the course reading material as well, so as you can see, this course wasn’t going to break the bank with textbooks and class supplies like most college and university courses. The course outline, reading material, and assignments were all outlined for us right from the start, so if you were a keener you could read ahead and submit your assignments early. I liked that I could see what was coming next so I could at least prepare my schedule and determine how much time I needed to complete each assignment.
At No Extra Cost
We wrote hymns and rituals, we learned how to invoke deities using Godface , we drew sigils, we crafted ritual tools like a whirligig Strapholos and we even made a Cerberus out of clay. With Jack’s thorough and in-depth lectures we couldn’t possibly ask for more information to better prepare us for our assignments, but wait, there’s more. After every class Jack stayed online for any questions we might have and more often than once we ended up chatting another full hour! The instructor was thrilled with our enthusiasm to learn and we were just as thrilled with his engagement and knowledge in the course material. With a week between each assignment and with Jack’s expertise we were more than prepared for each assignment and I enjoyed each and every one of them.
Whirligig Strapholos assignment
Priceless Precious Information
At the end of this 8 week course I gained not only knowledge but understanding. If you’ve ever tried to read the PGM you’ll know what I mean. It’s one thing to be able to read and regurgitate information, but a true teacher teaches you how to understand that information assuring that it will be with you forever. I can not possibly recall All the information Jack gave us, but that’s why he suggested taking notes, and I did. I have pages and pages of notes to look back on and if I didn’t feel I took enough notes all the classes were recorded so we could go back and listen to the lecture again. Not to mention all the great reading material Jack gave us access to. Did I mention the reading material? I did, because that’s pure gold right there in itself, it’s worth mentioning a few times.
PGM IV. 2708-84
A Very Rewarding Result
Getting back to the purpose of the course and that first assignment, “who is Hekate to you?” The course Myth 419: Hekatean Devotion and Magic in the Hellenic Age has opened my eyes to a new understanding of Hekate and each class strengthened my connection with Her as I learned of the ancient Hellenic traditions of Her devotees. I can now confidently apply these most cherished ancient traditions in my modern Hekatean practice. I learned how vital a role she played in the devotion and practice of Her followers and still see that today in devotees who call out Her many names throughout time, history, and all across the lands. Before this course I viewed Hekate as simply the Triple Faced Goddess, the Mother, Maiden, and Crone, and the Goddess of the sky, earth, and sea. Now She is much more to me; She is Selene of the Moon, She is Artemis the huntress, She is Aphrodite in love spells for attraction, and She is the All Mother. Her many epithets and attributes span worldwide and can be found in most every religion and pagan practise. She is the Great Mother and I am fortunate to be in Her service and listen to Her words.
“Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called Artemis; Astarte; Diana; Melusine; Aphrodite; Cerridwen; Dana; Arianrhod; Isis; Bride; and by many other names.”
You can take this class by registering for WiccanSeminary.EDU today!
Excerpt in quotations is from T he Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente, printed here with permission under the Creative Commons License of the D oreen Valiente Foundation . The use of this excerpt does in no way suggest the licensor endorses me or my use of the material.
Watch for Jack Grayle’s book, "The Hekateon", which will be published by IXAXAAR this Winter 2018.
The opinions and ideas of this article are solely that of the author GypsyC and and are not a direct representation of the views of any individuals or organizations mentioned here. This material is for educational purposes only.